Thursday 30 May 2013

A trip to Kawagoe

A trip to Kawagoe is always fun, and on the 28th of each month, there is an antique market held at a local shrine there, with many juicy items to forage through. On Tuesday a group of us decided to head out there and see what we could find. I have learnt my lesson now and take a suitcase on wheels with me - sad but true! This enables me to stock up on lovely fabrics that I can use for my bags as well as for my design work. Needless to say, I came home with some amazing, inspiring pieces.

In the back streets of Kawagoe. Note the giant lady in red trousers pulling a tatty brown suitcase!

There were many groups of Japanese women dressed in kimono. The colours were beautifully soft.

A break on the main street for ginger ale.

Our bemused waiter.

I bought some lovely old furniture at the antique market and it is now happily ensconced under our hanging kimono. I'm wondering how well it's going to fit into a Victorian house in rainy London!

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