Monday 8 February 2010


We had a good weekend of relaxing. On saturday we went to the gym and then headed up to Maranouchi for Linda's birthday. She wanted to have cocktails at sunset and we got to the Imperial Lounge bar at The Imperial Hotel, just in time to see a beautiful sunset over the Palace grounds. It was a stunning view over the tree tops and then the gorgeous cityscape beyond that of Tokyo, as it's buildings lit up for the night.

On sunday we went to our first Sumo wrestling tournament, which was a lot of fun. It started at 11am. We new it was ending at 5.30pm, so decided to head there later and see it when it got a bit more "juicy". It was in a massive stadium with normal seating on the upper levels, but more bed-like seating near the front. Some people were stretched out, and one was even asleep. We had no idea what the rules were, but it was great fun to watch the drama of it all and the build up to each match - the lifting of the legs, the stamping of the feet and throwing of the rice - even if the actual match was over in seconds. Unfortunately my camera battery ran out, so I don't have any photos. I will just have to go back at a later date and get some then...

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